Jubilee Wood

The first session of this year was a bit of a challenge but it didn’t deter our determined volunteers earlier today.

The wood was planted in 2012 to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. Unfortunately, due to a lack of volunteers, it has been left to its own devices to grow – or rather overgrow. However, marking the Platinum Jubilee last year, with advice from a tree specialist and Council advisor, a programme has been planned to ensure the wood will develop to its full potential. This has involved thinning out some of the trees creating a dead hedge boundary. There is still quite a lot to be done but it’s no hardship in such a beautiful, tranquil area. Thanks to Sheila, Neil, Barbara, Colin, Nigel and Jayne for their efforts.

If you are interested in getting involved (sessions are usually on Tuesdays 9.30 to 11.30) contact [email protected].


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