Welcome to C.V.C.P.

The Clyne Valley - So much more than a cycle path

Just three miles from Swansea City Centre

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About the Clyne Valley Community Project

The Clyne Valley is a diverse area with over 700 acres of land stretching from the sea at Blackpill, in Swansea, northward to Dunvant. The areas of: Mayals, Sketty, Killay and Upper Killay also border The Valley.

C.V.C.P. was set up in 2010, initially to benefit the communities in the locality. As its popularity increased, it has become well used and appreciated by many Swansea residents. Visitors can enjoy a variety of leisure pursuits, such as: walking, running, cycling, mountain biking and horse riding. Alternatively, they can just relax in the beautiful surroundings. As an organisation, C.V.C.P. is wholly managed by volunteers who have a particular interest in promoting its rich History and Biodiversity, also in improving and maintaining access routes through the Clyne Valley.

Our interests are:

Brick from Killay Brickworks

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Latest News

16th July 2024
Gowerton School - Day 2 Dunvant
This morning’s task was clearing the Old Dunvant Station and the path up to Dunvant Road. Once again the Gowert...
15th July 2024
Gowerton School Community Work
A very big thank you to the Year 10 pupils and staff of Gowerton School who did a tremendous job in clearing the Old ...

700 Acres

Lottery funding awarded

Volunteer led

Membership £10 per household