Maintenance of Mountain Bike Trails.

It’s been several years since the mountain bike trails known as Climb, Millers and Sanitised Strip in Clyne Valley Country Park were built – see map below. Since then only ad-hoc maintenance works have been carried out on these trails by volunteers from Clyne Riders and others. These trails are now in a state of disrepair and the works required to bring them back into a good rideable condition are beyond the capacity of the volunteers. On Track have been contracted to undertake the works to bring the trails back into good rideable condition, as well as other works to clearly demark and segregate routes (renewed signage, way-marking and fences).

The trail maintenance works will include digging of the surface (trail tread) and reconstituting the trail features using the re-dug material, culverts will be repaired/replaced where needed, and drainage channels will be reinstated and new ones created where needed – this will comprise a small J-shaped channel leading away from the trail where water can be held before dispersing naturally. The works will be undertaken using small machinery that will fit along the trails and handheld tools. No borrow-pitting will be undertaken. New post and fencing material will comprise composite material rather than wood, to provide longevity. A small area of Mill Lane car park will be used to temporarily store materials. The access track that leads to Keeper’s Cottage and the Old Railway Path will be used by the contractors to move materials and machinery/equipment to and from the trails in these areas; there will not be any need to close the routes and any movements would be kept to a minimum to avoid conflict with visitors using them.

The works will not be creating new trails and maintaining only those shown on the attached map.

There are a number of hazardous trees over and adjacent to the mountain bike trails that will need to be removed prior to works commencing. These have been assessed by an arboriculturist. An ecologist will be making an assessment for roosting bats and nesting birds, conducting any necessary surveys and gaining consent from Natural Resources Wales should a licence for bats be required.

Hazardous tree removal will be undertaken in the coming months and we expect the work by On Track to start in September. During the tree removal works and trail maintenance works sections of the mountain bike trails will need to be temporarily closed for the safety of visitors and contractors. Visitors should pay attention to any signage and instructions from the contractors working on site. Signage will be placed at key points around the Park advising visitors of the upcoming works and we will endeavour to have a timeline published ahead of works commencing. The works will not require the closure or diversion of any Rights of Way. The work may cause some disruption to visitors to the area, but this will be short-term and in the long-term will improve the experience for those using the mountain bike trails and adjacent Rights of Way by having better segregation.

If there are any further queries, please contact:

Ursula Jones
Swyddog Prosiect Cymunedau a Natur
Tirwedd Cenedlaethol Gŵyr
Communities and Nature Project Officer
Gower National Landscape

[email protected] [email protected]

07929 726380


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