Kate’s Orchard

A successful morning’s work took place in Kate’s Orchard with six volunteers cutting back gorse which was encroaching the area. You can see a large pile of it at the edge of the orchard, which will now provide habitat for a range of creatures. We also removed some of the young birch saplings, which would soon take over large areas if left unmanaged. It is vital we maintain open areas where the light can reach the ground allowing a wide diversity of flora. This will encourage pollinators and butterflies, and provide a home for reptiles and amphibians. We were very happy when the sunlight reached us too!

Next work groups in Kate’s Orchard are on 2nd, 16th and 30th November. See ‘what’s on’ or email Sheila if you want to know more. 

 [email protected]

Biodiversity, Volunteering

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