Have you seen this bird?

This is the best time of year to spot jays as they don’t hide away so much in the autumn. Chris Packham shared this information on Autumnwatch and the very next day one was spotted right by the play area near Ynys Newydd. Earlier in the year, a family of jays was nesting by Clyne Cottages.
Members of the crow family, scientific name Garrulus glandarius, they are garrulous by nature, misinterpreting the dress code with their flamboyant colours and raucous call. A bit like an embarrassing uncle at a family wedding.
This is a good year for jays as there are more acorns than usual; when the jays bury acorns for a winter food supply, some will get forgotten and hence a new oak tree may grow. The magic of nature.
Find out more here: www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/birds/crows-and-shrikes/jay


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