Birdwatch Report

Inclement weather tried to dampen our spirits, but twelve hardy souls joined Russell Evans to participate in the RSPB Great Garden Birdwatch on Sunday. Woodland is atmospheric in the rain, so long as you are dressed appropriately to enjoy it. We saw 17 species, including: goldcrest and nuthatch also bullfinches by the football field, and several long tailed tits in Kate’s Orchard. A highlight was a tree creeper, high up in the beech trees as we returned to the Ynys Newydd play area. The sun came out as we did our final tally and agreed we’d had a good morning’s outing. 

Russell has submitted our results to the RSPB and it will be interesting to see any changes in the future with the new birdboxes and meadow creation taking place. Grateful thanks to Russell for his support. 


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