27th March, 2022
10:00 am
to 2:00 pm

Orienteering Sessions in Clyne Valley

Swansea Bay Orienteering Club are putting on three Orienteering coaching days, which are ideal for the whole family.  No one gets left on the sidelines as there are activities for all ages and abilities.  The coaching days are also perfect for newcomers who would like to learn the range of skills unique to orienteering.
Over the three sessions, you will learn techniques and improve your skills throughout each day. 
If you are unable to come to all three sessions – don’t worry, there will be activities suitable for newcomers on each day, so you still get the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques.
Registration for these sessions is now open on Eventbrite, and full details can be found on our website www.sboc.org.uk/events

Session 1 – 27th March 2022, 10:00 – 14:00 @ Pembrey Country Park

– https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/289749296947
You will learn Basic Orienteering skills which will include;
A map walk with club coaches to focus on map orientating, thumbing and recognising features;
Using handrails, ticking off features and undertaking a distance/pacing exercise;
Completing a Yellow or Orange practise course – slow or sprint depending on ability, and for the more able/experienced to complete the course as map memory/simplification exercise.

Session 2 – 10th April 2022, 10:00 – 14:00 @ Clyne Valley Country Park

– https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/288504844757
You will do a recap of the basic skills learned in the last session, followed by;
A Compass and pacing exercise;
Using Catching features and attack Points;
Complete an Orange or Light Green practise course using the techniques practised, beginners to concentrate on accuracy, and any more able orienteers to push to try navigating at speed.

Session 3 – 24th April 2022, 10:00 – 14:00 @ Clyne Valley Country Park

– https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/289736478607
You will recap previous sessions and complete a map walk with club coaches to practise a mix of techniques including map orientation, estimation of distances and practice accuracy and selecting attack points;
Map windows exercise;
Complete a 30 min. score Course which covers a range of difficulties.
We hope to see you there.
SBOC Committee