Nature natters – 12th July 2022
Nature natter and short stroll series of four Tuesdays. Nature natters’ are based at the shelter in the Ynys Newydd play area. I will be there for chats about all things wildlife, and hear what you enjoy about the valley. A good opportunity to socialise. These will take place Tuesdays 10-11:00 am on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th July. On each of those days, there will be an opportunity for a short stroll down to the river at 11:00 a.m.
Bracken bashing in Kate’s Orchard. The bracken needs trampling to allow other flora to thrive. Weather permitting we’ll be there just after the Nature Natter & stroll at 11:45 until 1:15 on 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th July. Bring water and maybe a picnic lunch if you’d like to stay on and socialise a little more.