Access work is essential to achieving the long-term aim of CVCP – to get people off the main Old Railway Path and into other parts of the Valley, to explore and enjoy this invaluable, natural resource.
Since the inception of C.V.C.P. through our volunteers, many Access projects have taken place and new tasks continue to ensure users can take full advantage of the Valley.
There is an annual programme of work that can be found under ‘Get Involved’ on this website. If you would like any further information, or would like to join our teams of volunteers, please contact us through general queries on the same page.
Many of these projects have been funded by various grants, enabling us to buy tools and different materials such as: steps, stepping stones, hardcore and sign posts to develop the whole Network. We have also been granted money for leaflets, mapping and have contributed to the Information Boards at the entrances to the Valley. These boards show the CVCP Network.
The Network of paths and trails that CVCP have re-instated have been checked by Swansea Council and then adopted as Permissive Paths. C.V.C.P. will continue to maintain the paths. We hope you will agree that that is a useful legacy to the Community
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All information and images are copyright of CVCP, unless otherwise stated.