15th October, 2024
7:00 pm
to 8:30 pm
St Hilary’s Church hall

Talk – ‘All Our Own Water’

Peter Kokeleer
Peter is a retired professor of Geology at Liverpool University who has returned home to Gower to enjoy his retirement. His book ‘All Our Own Water’ investigating sources of the springs on Gower and the development of the spectacular coastal scenery and caves, is unfortunately sold out. However, this is an opportunity to hear his discoveries from the man himself!

He says, “We old timers were taught in school that Gower’s water supply, taken from local springs, actually originated mainly from rainfall that fell on limestones far to the north, across the South Wales Coalfield. This belief was understandable from what was known then…”

This illustrated talk explains the evidence for the water all being from our own Gower rainfall, and along the way it highlights a wealth of other features of what is a truly fascinating landscape fashioned by rain, sea and glacier ice.

This is a free event but a donation towards the cost of hall hire would be very much appreciated.

Tuesday 15th October 7:00 pm for 7.15 pm start
St Hillary’s Church Hall, Gower Road, Killay SA2 7DZ